
Live Sand Dollars And Other Sightings...

Once again I was delighted to have company come up from California to visit us here at Camp Beck.  Last year I took them to Forks/La Push/Hoh Rain Forest AND Dash Point.  This year they wanted to see Mt Rainier and to go back to Dash Point to see the live sand dollars.

The sand dollar pictured above looks like a typical sand dollar~I took this picture with my iPhone at Dash Point.
 But the live ones...

Look like this~Top side.

The back side of that same sand dollar-It feels real fuzzy.

Here are some underwater...Look real close and you will see a few real tiny white ones.

If you go to Dash Point and can't find the sand dollars don't fret... You just have to look harder. I find them on the far left side of the shore every time I go...

This is what they look like most the time on the beach. They hide under the sand. If you dig down even a 1/4 inch you will find hundreds. The arrows in the picture above show the edges of some of the sand dollars that have burrowed down.  

 There is also a resident blue heron... It was so funny to watch him walking right along side these ladies like he was part of their outing.

BUT I'd have to say that the most beautiful sighting that day was this precious little girl running and laughing along the shore. She is adorable!
 (You guys really didn't think I would do a post without my granddaughter in it did you?) ;)
If you would like directions or to see more pictures of the sand dollars at Dash Point click HERE to see a post I did last year.


  1. Robin- WOW! I had no idea they were that color! Gorgeous... Thank you for taking us to your secret hideaway. You always know where all the wonderful things are.:) Give Kimmy a hug for me!:) Please keep us posted on all the camp fun! Lori

  2. Oh Robin! It's been so long since I've seen a live Sand Dollar! We were up and Salt Creek several weeks ago & all we saw were broken dead ones. I LOVE the feel of live Sand Dollars. They feel like velvet or velour!

  3. oh wow going to have to add that to my list the next time I head over the mountains.

  4. so cool! i never knew they were fuzzy!!

    noelle is soooooo cute..ahh.

  5. I love sand dollars and I loved this post!! I have seen live sand dollars at the Beach before and they are just a truly amazing thing!! Thanks for sharing.

  6. I love sand dollars too Robin--it's been ages since I've seen a live one. Enjoy your visit with your friends, and give that sweet Noelle an extra hug today!

  7. Being from Florida we used to love looking for Sand Dollars when we were younger. Great photos and I agree that last photo is adorable!

  8. Robin,
    Thanks for sharing. So glad you posted this. I was just telling my dad about it this morning and could not remember the name of where you were going.
    I am now looking forwad to visiting this area next time I visit dad and looking for sand dollars. I did not know they were so fuzzy.
    Lots like yall are having a great time.

  9. Hi Robin
    I LOVED seeing the sand dollars. Thanks so much for the fantastic pictures. I am not sure if we have them over here. I had never heard of them until we went to Florida. I bought one in a gift shop but sadly it got crushed in our cases on the way home :(
    The beach houses look gorgeous there. I adore the picture of little Noelle. You know I can never get bored of seeing pictures of her. The heron is amazing too. We do have those here but they are not very common.
    Hope you are having a great time with K & C, please tell them I said hi.
    Glad you liked my Mum's pottery, thanks for your comment :)

  10. Hi Robin!!!!! :)
    Ive never seen a live sand dollar until now!
    This was such an interesting and informative post!
    Look at that little sweetie! You're right..she is adorable!!!

    Deborah xoxo

  11. Hey Robin!! I can't believe how big Noelle is! She sure is adorable.
    The sand dollars are so beautiful. I haven't seen a live one in a long time. Great photos!

  12. I have never seen a live sand dollar- cool! looks like so much fun!

  13. Robin, would you believe I had never seen a live sand dollar before! That is amazing! :) And Noelle is as cute as a button! :)

    Oh, and for some reason I can't see your newest post, I am not sure why. It is on my sidebar, but not on your blog. But maybe it is just my computer?

    But I hope you are doing well, my friend! Oh, and we are off to Forks for the weekend. Do you remember how before reading your blog I'd never heard of La Push before? How embarrassing to live outside Seattle and not know that! Oh well... ;)


  14. Amazing! I want to take my family on a trip there! We never find sand dollars where we go to the ocean. What an unbelievable experience to find all those treasures.

    Enjoy your summer!


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