
You Might Want To Sit Down For This News...

Mom, Jacquelynne, Lori & Kimberly (just to name of few of you that try to keep me accountable on taking time out to sew and do crafts.) You and all my other lovely friends out there in blogland might just want to sit down for this one!

I've got my sewing area set up! This is the big hallway overlooking the formal living room right up from the stairs. Tim made this sewing platform for me.

He installed this little doodad right behind the sewing machine~Keeps all my cords nice and neat and out of my way...Love that genius of a man!

Everything is in it's proper place. Hey Lori, recognize the cute monogrammed cup holder you sent me? It has a new purpose -I love it, thanks sis!

I set up a cutting and ironing center-Because any true seamstress knows you've got to press, press, press those seams down!
In the corner are the patterns I've created...Yes, mom the patterns are finished.

I even set up a play area for Princess Newt Newt Nodie Noders (my grand-baby Noelle.)

I can hear you all in my head saying, "this is wonderful Robin, BUT have you actually started sewing?"
I laugh!
 Baby steps people baby steps!!!Though I might surprise you!
 Love you all~


  1. How exciting! Can you make me some pillows? Haha!

    I love the nickname you have for Noelle. Layla's nickname is Layla Love Moon. ;) Or Laylers.

  2. ooh love your new sewing area! and i'm totally with you on the baby steps. you have to have the perfect area to work in, all your stuff perfectly set up and organized before you can start "using" it, LOL.

  3. What a great area!!
    I'm with you one thing at a time...
    Now that you have such a great area to work in maybe the inspiration will come :)

  4. Love it! And I so know about baby steps!!!

  5. That is uber cool! I love it. xoxo

  6. I dream of having a space so perfect! I operate by overtaking my dining room and praying no one stops by.

    It works. I havent (and no plans to!) moved out of my "shoe" yet. ;)

    Can't wait to see what comes out of this. Please don't make us wait too long.

  7. LOL! Baby steps is right! So now the REST of us can keep after you to see some results I guess!!

    Enjoy your new spot!!

  8. This is so wonderful, I have some sewing projects sitting on the to do list because I don't have a very good place to set up my machine. I am soooo envious but soooo happy for you!

  9. Is it wrong to have sewing-space envy? Because I do!!!!

  10. WOW Robin, what a FABULOUS space!!!! I would learn to sew if I had a spot like that to work in. LOVE it!!!

  11. Robin,

    Just setting up a space this beautiful is enough to inspire creativity! I love it!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  12. Robin!!!! I LOVE your sewing area!!! I am SO excited for you and all the possibilities.:) Love the buttons! Love the table! Love that you are using your "R"!;) Now I need to get my act together... You inspire me, Sis! Lori

  13. Since it is so clean and orgainized, snap a photo when you in in the middle of a project, lol.

  14. Wow Robin.. that space is awesome. You are one lucky girl. I love the wall color in your foyer too.. looks like a magazine :)


  15. Beautiful! (and much neater than my work space!) Of course, now you have one less excuse...
    If my space WERE that neat, I probably wouldn't want to use it... I'd just sit and look at it all day!

  16. Lovely! It's wonderful to have space in which to create...Now, tell the story of the roses! They're beautiful!


  17. Nice spot!!! I love the organization of everything!

  18. How perfect!! I love the little toy basket the best :)
    (((hugs))) Susie

  19. Hi Robin
    What a fastastic sewing area you have there. It all looks so neat and well organised. I love your patterns too. I look forward to seeing lots of wonderful creations emerge very soon!

  20. Oh, I'm so jealous...this is absolutely wonderful. Way to go!!! We can't wait to see what gets created here. : )

  21. looks like a GREAT place to work!! The little button jar is too cute! I hope it helps you get going! :)

  22. So SMART to build that there! Kudos to the hubs!

    I can't wait to see your creations, Robin. I'm so excited for you!

  23. I had to swing back by to tell you...if you could see my Studio right now, you would faint! I'm SO jealous of your orderliness!!! :-D
    Thank heavens I'm expecting company at the end of the week, so I need to turn it back into the (guest room). I always consider Company a blessing because it makes me get my act together. : )
    Have a great week,
    Mary Lou

  24. Oh my goodness. This looks SO amazing : ) I can't wait to see what wonderful creative goodness you come up with behind the needle : )

  25. This looks incredible! What a great husband you have:) I just found your blog by the way! I love it!

  26. It looks sooooooo good!!! Like right out of a magazine good! I love it!

  27. Robin your sewing "room" is so beautiful and well organized that it must make you just want to sit down and create beautiful things. It turned out just wonderfully. Can't wait to see what pretty things you make there.

  28. Oh, I love it! I'm so jealous. What a wonderful spot to get creative.

  29. How is everything so neat?!? I don't like to even let myself see my sewing/office/scrapbook/painting studio/ladybug collector. I really need to clean. Thanks for the inspiration.

  30. Hi Robin: I, too, just found yur blog...it is awesome! Your sewing space is so cool...I remember many years of sewing on the kitchen table and having to clear it all for every meal. Bummer! Had a problem getting on your "How to Countryfy a chandelier" and one other. I am so new to blogging,,,have one but it is not available to publish to the world yet...still working on it. Hugs from California, Redesigngal, Joy


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