
Happy Weekend...

{Snow Cowboy}

I hope you are all having a great weekend~ My husband was on vacation all last week. We didn't go anywhere, just stayed around the house and worked on my NEW craft room the whole week.
 I CANNOT wait to start crafting in there!!!!
  We did take some time to go up to the mountain by our home and play in the snow.
I have so many Christmas ideas that I want to share with you all~
But for now, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving week...
Remember to relax and enjoy it!


  1. Ha ha, the snowman is adorable! Can't wait to see the ideas you have for us for Christmas; you always come up with the best things to try!


  2. did you just say relax for thanksgiving? Girl,you know i will be baking pies until my fingers are sore and of course shopping on friday..hehe!

    i love that little snow man..and yay for your craft room can't wait to see pics!

  3. The snowman is adorable! Can't wait to see the crafty things you are up to. I intend to have a relaxing Thanksgiving....oh, but wait, I don't have any thing made for the dressing or pies made or..or..or.......I will be relaxed....I will be relaxed.....I will be relaxed............!

  4. Cute, cute photo...now bring those craft ideas on!

  5. Hi Robin
    Can't wait to see your new craft room. I will be so jealous.
    Glad you enjoyed some snow last week.
    Have a great thanksgiving.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Robin! Looking forward to the cradt room pics!! HUGS across the miles!!

  7. Your posts are always so simple and beautiful. I LOVE THEM!
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley


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