
Friday's Quote On Saturday:

(Click image to enlarge-Can you find the spider?)

~Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections.~


  1. I LOVE IT!! The picture and the quote!:-) So true...

    Hope you are having a great day today! Lori

  2. I see the spider! Love the quote--

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. That spider is cool. That is a pretty picture. Have a great day.
    Bye bye.♥☺

  4. I have seen this work in my life. I always think of the promise that we may have peace during our trials.

  5. It is something that can keep a person going. Thank you for always lifting me up and make me smile with your pictures and your sweet spirit that always shines through.

    Have a great Sunday Robin.

  6. That is absolutely the BEST quote. I see the little spider. Have a great day!!

  7. that is beautiful....even the little white spider :)

    well...i wouldn't actually want it crawling on my face or anything....but it is cute on the flower! :)

    and your Quote is PERFECT!!! i love it....it is soooo true.


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