
Hump Day Humor...


(My brother who just happens to read my blog sent me this~Thanks Ron~♥)


  1. We are giggling over that one Robin. Thanks for sharing.
    Lindsay & Jessica

  2. You should post this on your sidebar!!

  3. HAHAHA! I love that :)
    I needed a little chuckle,today- Thank you!

    Happy New Year to you Robin!!
    Hope it's filled with many happy blessings for you and your family!

  4. Hi Robin
    I haven't seen you for such a long time! I like the cartoon...yup thats how it is... *s*.

    I read your previous post. Wasn't that wonderful that you two lovebirds could get away like that for a while. That is very romantic. I'm glad you had such a lovely time and I'll be back to read more about it once you post.

    have a lovely evening

  5. Very cute...and it's got some truth to it!

  6. *snort, chuckle* Thankfully my oldest son, who's 7, hasn't fully realized that Mommy blogs about him!

  7. That's pretty cute~! I'll have to send it on to my sister, she'll love it too.

  8. Hi Robin,
    I love it! Both my husband and I cracked up over this! :)

    I also wanted to say how glad I am to hear that your husband is doing completely better~ what a blessing from God! :)

    I hope you have a good night! :)

  9. Aint it the truth!!! My 12 yearold son came home upset cause the 6th grade girls were talking about all the pictures of him they saw on my blog. Now how on earth did those little girls find my blog?!

    Oh your vacation looks wonderful! The bath...the fire...ahhhhhhhh.

  10. That's cute! Thanks for the morning chuckle.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comment. Game time with the kids is never wasted time and what a special memory for your son to go out and buy a new game that you all can play together. It's good to know we can pass our values on to our kids.
    Hugs to you~ Birgit

  11. I had a good laugh at that one.


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