
Did You Happen To Notice?

My blog address has changed... 
Yes, www.therobinsnestscountrycrafts.blogspot.com was just wayyyyyy too long to write or or say...So I changed it and just wanted to let you all know.

Happy Day~So much easier!

***Added Note: Okay girls, I hear you... I will post a tutorial on how to change your blog address tonight or tomorrow.


  1. Good Morning Robin. Was it easy to change your blog address? I may do that too one day but I don't know where to start!

  2. Yep!! Shorter and sweeter :-)
    Have a great week!!

  3. Looks like you need to so a show and tell here!!

  4. Oh yes -- show and tell -- my blog name is way too stinkin long too.

  5. I agree...I've been thinking about "tweaking" mine, too! Please, walk us through it!

  6. Okay and I want to know how on earth yours updated so quickly and mine is still not updating on people's sidebars? And I have a tech guy working on it!!
    (did you purchase your own new domain? or just change the address?)

    I'm jealous. You are so cool.

  7. Short and sweet is definitely so much better!

  8. Yay for your new .com! I think I need the tutorial too since my blog address is completely different than the actual name of my blog.

  9. Love it! My blog has some changes in its future, too...

    Of course, they want a tutorial, Baby! You're such a good teacher!

  10. I noticed it right off!

    Love the plants from the previous post. We had snow here on Tuesday...something definitely wrong with that! I can't wait to start planting myself!

    Noelle is just darling!


Love hearing from you~Sorry but I can no longer take comments from Anonymous due to so much spam~